Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pizza! Pizza!

Need a yummy plan for dinner? Having trouble cooking and entertaining your child at the same time? My solution yesterday was making pizza with pre-made dough from the store. We use either canned tomato paste or pizza sauce from a jar and add whatever toppings we have on hand. Yesterday it was what was left of the shredded mozarella (not much), roasted red peppers, mushrooms from our farm box, and pepperoni. Sawyer greased the pan, dumped and smeared the sauce (over the dough and the table), and put the cheese, pepperoni and mushrooms on.

It looked like a 2 year old made dinner, but it tasted great! We added a salad too and if he hadn't been distracted by daddy coming home, he might have washed the lettuce, dried it off, and torn it into pieces or cut it with a table knife.

We've made homemade dough in the past, which is a fun floury and sticky mess. It just takes more patience since you have to let it rise. But you can cook, take a play break, and cook some more. Here's one recipe for homemade dough from Cooking Light on myrecipes.com: http://find.myrecipes.com/recipes/recipefinder.dyn?action=displayRecipe&recipe_id=1227877

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